The gold standard for facial rejuvenation

Today, more and more non-surgical aesthetic treatments are rising to the forefront of the industry, giving patients new options to improve their appearance without the higher costs, longer downtime, and greater risks of plastic surgery. For patients with only mild ptosis and wrinkles, non-invasive skin tightening technology can work wonders. However, for older patients with more significant drooping in the cheeks and jowls, a surgical facelift is considered the gold standard for successful rejuvenation. With the PoSH Lift, Dr. Bolitho has taken the facelift procedure to the next level by optimizing the healing process, making treatment more comfortable, seamless, and stress-free for patients.

What is the PoSH lift?

The PoSH lift is Dr. Bolitho’s customized solution for facial aging. Using advanced techniques, Dr. Bolitho creates a dramatic transformation that shaves years off of your age, restoring self-confidence and quality of life. PoSH stands for:

  • P - Personalized approach, with precise planning regarding individual facial aesthetics.
  • O - Optimization of facial volume. Recent trends in facial rejuvenation place high priority on restoration of youthful volume.
  • S - Sub-SMAS, or deep plane, lift. An established technique which has been recently modified and improved, which allows the facial tissues to be elevated as a unit, rather than by separating the facial tissue into layers.
  • H - Healing is rapid with minimal bruising, no drains, no staples, no suture removal, and no dressings beyond day one. These details combine to make a huge difference to patients in terms of the speed of healing.

The PoSH Lift is a new variant of the deep plane or composite facelift utilizing the so-called deep surgical plane to provide durable and natural results. The technique incorporates volumetric augmentation to restore youthful midfacial volume. It is customized to the individual patient's needs. Unlike traditional techniques, it provides durable results characterized by rapid recovery with minimal bruising. No drains are required, no staples, and there is no need for suture removal.

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Benefits of a PoSH Lift

The PoSH Lift is designed to not only improve a patient’s overall appearance but also to give them a more positive self-image and increased self-confidence. Benefits of the PoSH Lift include the following:

  • Redistributes fat – The PoSH Lift reshapes the face by redistributing fat, restoring volume to the cheeks and mid-face. This leads to the reinstatement of a natural youthfulness and vitality.
  • Smooths the skin – The PoSH Lift restores firmness, tightness, and suppleness to the complexion, erasing years of lines, wrinkles, and creases. 
  • Boosts confidence – After a PoSH Lift, patients experience enhanced well-being, peace of mind, and quality of life, feeling more at ease in social and professional settings.
  • Rewinds the clock on aging – A PoSH Lift can help patients look 5-10 years younger, with results lasting up to a decade. 
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Who is an ideal candidate for the PoSH lift?

Patients in their 40’s and 50’s typically begin to notice a shift in their facial structure and they seek out a solution to combat sagging skin, volume loss, and wrinkles. Younger patients may also qualify for a facelift, especially if their skin has been compromised by sun damage or exposure to the elements. To be a good candidate for a PoSH Lift, patients should be in good mental and physical health with no major medical issues left untreated. They should be non-smokers, as smoking can increase the risk of complications and slow down the healing process. Lastly, patients should have realistic expectations for their results, understanding that a facelift will make them look better but not like a completely different person. 

Recovery time after a PoSH Lift

After surgery, it is normal to experience bruising, swelling, and soreness. Dr. Bolitho will provide prescription pain medications and a detailed aftercare plan to help guide your recuperation process. As mentioned, he does not use any drains, staples, or sutures, so there is no need to remove those things at a later date. In general, patients will need about two weeks off from work and about six weeks off from strenuous exercise and heavy lifting. Dr. Bolitho will schedule you for regular follow-up visits to ensure a seamless recovery.

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Request a consultation with Dr. Bolitho in San Diego today!

Dr. Bolitho holds the rare distinction of being a quadruple board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Like his father before him who was also a physician, he has dedicated his career to upholding the highest standards of safety paired with aesthetic excellence. Dr. Bolitho completed elite training in plastic surgery at Oxford’s Radcliffe Infirmary in England before moving to the US to continue honing his skills at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Bolitho continues to seek out the latest cutting-edge trends in cosmetic science in order to enhance comfort and accelerate healing for his patients. Contact him today to learn more about his customized PoSH Lift!

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